Saturday, August 8

So what is nutritious?

If anyone keeps up on my facebook account, about 3 weeks ago I was complaining of having to take the glucola challenge again. For those who don't know, it's a test for gestation diabetes. Well, I am one of the few who did develope gestational diabetes late in my pregnancy. The good news is that I'm very mild, so all I have to do is watch my diet and keep an eye on my blood sugar. Well, this is all fine and dandy. I've been doing great. But what I've found very entertaining is trying to go out to eat. Usually, if I have a little warning ahead of time of where I'm going, I can pull up any number of webpages to look up the nutrition guides to check out the carbs. But once in a while, I get stuck in a situation that I have no idea. So what do I do? I ask the clerk behind the counter if they have a nutrition guide. I had a VERY interesting encounter with the girl behind the Culver's counter. They had numerous different brochures for their food, but none of them told me anything about the nutritional content. Now, I may be wrong, and I can't find anywhere that says it's a law, but I thought restaurants were required to provide that information. So I asked the girl if they had a nutrition guide. She looked at me blankly, and said, "I don't know. Let me ask." So she goes to ask someone whom I assumed would be the manager, and he says, "I don't know." She then comes back to tell me... wait for it... "Well, Culver's isn't really nutritious." And she was dead serious. I had to bite my lips to keep from breaking out in laughter as I returned to tell Troy the whole incident. Troy thinks I should email Culver's and tell them what their employees say about the food. Makes you wonder a bit, doesn't it?

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