Friday, February 27

Creating space

You are all probably wondering how I'm doing. As of yesterday, I am 10 weeks along. Almost through my first trimester! Woo hoo! I am feeling great! Still tired, but not like I was. The only thing I'm feeling is my body creating space for the new baby.

Speaking of creating space... I began the task of cleaning out the closet in the baby's room. Quite a task. I've added some pictures... sort of half way through the process. There's stuff everywhere! But thanks to this task, I've cleaned out most of the closets in the house! Gotta find room for all this stuff. I am extremely glad we have a shed.

I also have to post the pic of the baby bag. Troy has told everyone about the bag. We were wondering around Babies R Us, just looking really. And of course, I find the clearance aisle. And behold, I find THE bag for me. I'm sure later down the road, I'll curse this purchase, but it's going to be so cool to carry at the beginning!

Thursday, February 19

Morning sickness is NOT morning sickness....

because it lasts all day!!!!!!!

Good news! We're pregnant! Troy and I will be expecting a little bun in the oven in September. September is a GREAT month for babies! I should know, I'm born in it... and my brother, and my father, and my grandfather... and the list actually does go on in my family. So that puts me at about 9 weeks. We actually have known for a while, but we were keeping quiet to not jinx the whole thing. We have now had 2 ultrasounds, and we've even heard the heartbeat, so I'm feeling a bit more confident. In fact, I'll even post pictures! I know you all want to see the inside of my uterus! (I can hear Bret groaning even before he reads this.) Most people are asking me how am I feeling. As the title bares, I'm a little nauseous most of the day. The last 2 days I have actually gotten sick. But I think the worst part are the growing pains and bloating. I will not elaborate. I have no preference for whether it will be a boy or girl. Although, the little kiddo was moving around during the ultrasound, makes me think boy.

Prayers are greatly appreciated at this time! Keep us in your thoughts!

Sunday, February 8

Snow melting?

...not in our yard. For some reason, our house is the only house in the subdivision that still has the front yard covered. This is not making it easy for Troy to remove the Christmas lights that are still hanging. I still have Christmas decorations that I have not been able to put away in the shed due to the foot of snow that has encompassed it. And for those of you that know me, it's driving me nuts. I am unable to have the perfectly clean house. There are things scattered about, and I'm about ready to add them to the trash. And most people enjoy snow. They get to play outside and watch children make snowmen... me no. I get a lousy cold. A cold that also knocks me out for my wonderful 3 day weekend. I get well enough to go back to work on the following Monday. Great. Now I get to catch something from all the sick people coming to the hospital. Sorry for the rant. I really hate snow. I'm also sorry for the lack of posts. There really hasn't been whole lot going on... that I can talk openly about. Now, my brother would post anything. His poor wife has to endure all the sarcasm and joking that my brother can come up with... AND post on the internet. I'm so thankful blogging wasn't around in high school.

We have been visiting some new churches here on the south side. Both Troy and I had been praying about if we should continue to commute to Common Ground every Sunday since our house church pretty much dissolved. So the first church we visited was a LARGE church that most of our house church had started going to anyway. Indian Creek is a nice church, but WAY too big for us. When you outgrow your sanctuary that was built to hold 3000 after adding additional services, you know you are just going to blend in. Well, Troy and I wanted something more quaint. Something that feels a bit more personal. Plus, the "baptismal cam" did me in. I always thought the whole point of baptism is to confess Christ before your fellow Christians and be baptized with lots of hoopin' and hollerin' afterwards. Not at The Creek. During the invitation, you see this video pop up of a guy in the corner getting dunked. Yeah, real personal. This led us to a small church called New Hope. TOTAL opposite. I think there were 15 people there besides us. We just didn't feel that that was for us. So for the past 2 Sundays (with a break inbetween for Troy to go to the Purdue Women's National Championship anniversary) we've been attending Grace Evangelical Church. Today we heard the actual pastor. Nice sermon, but halfway through, both of us couldn't keep our eyes opened. As we were walking out, I broke out into tears declaring, "I miss Common Ground!" So I think, after some prayerful considerations, we will be back to CG next Sunday. I don't know what we are going to do about a house church since there aren't any on the south side, but I don't think God will hold that against us.

Have a good week everyone!