Tuesday, June 26

Brian Turns Three

Yes, it's hard to believe that my baby sister now has a three year old. Brian, my wonderful nephew, turned three a few weeks ago. Since he's such a good boy, he got spoiled by not one, but two celebrations.

Brian, my sister Amanda, brother-in-law Andy, and my mom joined Rachel and I on June 9 at Chuck-E-Cheese. Neither Rachel nor I had been to Chuck-E-Cheese since it was changed from Show Biz Pizza Place. The only things I had remembered from Show Biz was a animatronic monkey in a sparkly jacket playing piano, lots of pizza, and ski-ball. Well, the monkey is gone (replaced by a mouse, Chuck-E), but the pizza and ski-ball remain. Brian wasn't too interested in the ski-ball (don't worry, us adults made up for him). He wasn't too interested in Chuck-E either, but his mother used to be scared of Santa Claus, so I'm sure he'll come around. Brian had a lot of fun climbing through this tube jungle gym they had set up and playing some of the more three year old sized games.

The next day, we met the nearly the entire extended family at Deming Park in Terre Haute. They had just constructed a new playground. The entire thing is a set of walkways that you climb or walk up on and from there are various slides, poles, "rock" walls, etc. to go on. Oh, and the entire thing is surrounded by ground-up rubber chips to prevent any harsh injuries. When I was growing up, we had rocks with razor sharp edges to gash open our legs when we would fall. The rubber chips seemed much safer, but where's the fun in staying safe on the playground? Brian got a ton of gifts as expected. He's into Diego now. I'm not quite sure what Diego does, only that he speaks Spanish and seems to rescue animals in the jungle or something. I'm a little behind on my knowledge of current toys. If Brian ever gets into Star Wars or G.I. Joes, I'm all of that. Last year, Brian would rip open presents, push them aside (throw them aside if they were clothes or something else that you couldn't play with), and move on to the next gift. This year, he would open a present, and then run to the middle of the group and proudly show off his new gift. The highlight of the day was playing with Brian on the playground. Rachel and my cousin Tressa had a great time running around with him. They may have had more fun than Brian! Brian can't quite get our names out. Rachel is "Ray-Ray" and Tressa was "T". That last one is particularly confusing since there are four of us in the family with names starting with T's. Anyway, we had fun, Brian had fun, and we'll get ready for the next birthday. (Speaking of which, my birthday is coming up. PS3's are only $599 at Wal-Mart!)

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